
Atina was awarded the Medaglia d’Argento al Merito Civile

“Comune siglato ai margini della linea “Gustav” ed a pochi chilometri da Cassino, occupato dalle truppe tedesche, subiva violenti saccheggi, devastazioni e continui bombardamenti che causavano la morte di numerosi cittadini, nonché la quasi completa distruzione del patrimonio edilizio. La popolazione, costretta a rifugiarsi nei paesi vicini, seppe resistere con fierissimo contegno agli stenti e […]


List of Civilian Victims Killed in Atina During  World War II

34 innocent civilians of Atina died during the German occupation and there were many more injured and mamed during the bombing and shelling of the town and the surrounding area. Filippo Amato Giacinto Bartolummuci, Cristina Bastianelli, Maria Bastianelli, Teresa Bove, Fortunato Bracciale Cleto Caira, Ernesto Caira, Silvio Caira, Paolo Carbone, Orazio Coppola, Carmela Corsi Lucia D’Annunzio, Enrico De Angelis, Francesco De Angelis, Mario De Ciantis, Vincenzo Del Prete, Giovanna […]


The Liberation of Atina By The New Zealand Forces

On the 18th May 1944 the Allied Forces finally succeeded in liberating Monte Cassino after the many months of fighting.  The Germans had already begun their retreat towards Sora and aimed to fall back to another defence line known as the Winter Line. Before moving out they had blown up the bridge in Ponte Melfa and […]


Urban development of Atina

This infographic map shows the urban development of Atina, from Middle Ages to XX century. Blue Middle AgesXIII/XIV c. Green RenaissanceXV/XVI c. Pink XVII/XVIII c. Yellow XIX/XX c.